Octa-Clips are connectors for joining pieces of cardboard or chloroplast to build a great variety of structures. The clips rotate around an octagonal center piece, which provides an angle of connection every 45ø.
Decide on the angle you want, then snap the clips together. Octa-Clips will not rotate once they’ve been locked. Green colored Octa-Clips have round connectors that rotate, so they can be used as hinges for windows, shutters and doors. With Octa-Clips you can build anything, from houses, mazes and bridges to puppet theaters, robots and geodesic domes. Or use them to build displays, such as science fair projects, using Bristol board.
Use Octa-Clips with cardboard pieces to construct just about anything; playhouses /forts / castles / space ships /trains
planes / life-size animals / play props /puppet theaters /giant books .The construction possibilities are endless!
Octa-Clips have octagon shaped connectors that allow the clips to be joined at fixed angles every 45 degrees. The green Octa-Clipshave round connectors that allow them to rotate. Use these as hinges for windows, shutters, and doors! .Th connecting clips come in a plain cardboard box